Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Arts Management Overview

A summary of the key concepts in the chapter 

NEA How Art Works: Public Forum - Presenting the Model – 09/2012 (43:09)

“A public forum, hosted by the Arts Management program at American University, explored this new report, its implications for the NEA's strategy and research, and its resonance or potential for the larger fields of arts, culture, heritage, and humanities.”

Understanding the Value of Arts and Culture – UK – 2016 – (2.58)

“The debate over the value and impact of arts and culture has occupied some of the world’s greatest minds. Now a comprehensive new report brings a fresh perspective to the issue.

The ‘Understanding the value of arts and culture’ report represents the culmination of the AHRC’s three-year Cultural Value Project.”

The report mentioned in the video can be found in the Learning Links for this chapter. 

The Role of Arts & Culture in an Open Society -2015 – (5:59)

“It takes imagination to picture a truly open society—one where freedom of expression and democracy are paramount, and where no one holds a monopoly on the truth. The Open Society Foundations have long supported artistic endeavors that aim to inspire this type of change.”

How a Strong Creative Industry Helps Economies Thrive, Mehret Mandefro, October 2020 (10:25)

“When global leaders think about which industries can fuel economic growth, the arts are often overlooked. But filmmaker Mehret Mandefro says the creative sector actually has the power to grow economies -- while also helping safeguard democracy. In this captivating talk, she shares a behind-the-scenes look at how she's putting culture back on the economic agenda in Ethiopia and explains why other countries would benefit from doing the same.”

Systems Theory of Organizations – 2017 (10:53)

This video introduces the systems theory of organizations, and its parts, which grew out of open systems theory or general systems theory. This led to what many people call systems thinking today.

How Art Works

The National Endowment for the Arts’ Five-Year Research Agenda, with a System Map and Measurement Model

NEA Research LabsThrough a series of awards, the Arts Endowment has established a national program that permits transdisciplinary research teams, grounded in the social and behavioral sciences, to engage with the Arts Endowment's five-year research agenda. The National Endowment for the Arts Research Labs (NEA Research Labs) program will yield empirical insights about the arts for the benefit of arts and non-arts sectors alike.

Links to other perspectives on arts and culture ecosystems

23rd ENCATC Annual Conference - The Ecology of Culture: Community Engagement, Co-creation and Cross Fertilization Report, 2015, see page 27, “The Performing Arts System”  

The Structure and Ecology of Arts and Culture in India, Prezi by Tanya Agarwal, 2018  

Guide for Building a Successful Arts and Culture Ecology by Zdravko Trivic, Nina Mascarenhas, Duong Quyen, Beng Kiang Tan & Rita Padawangi. National Arts Council of Singapore, 2018  

Creating the Environment: The cultural eco-systems of Creative People and Places, a presentation by Jonathan Gross and Nick Wilson focused on the UK, 2018

Other Resources on Arts and Culture Globally

Grantmakers for the Arts: An Architecture of Value by Alan Brown  

Understanding the value of arts & culture by Geoffrey Crossick & Patrycja KaszynskaReport:  

Creative Economy Report (2010)  

Creative Economy Outlook 2022

Creative industry 4.0: Towards a new globalized creative economy 

Americans for the Arts: The Creative Industries in the United States -2017

ARTS + SOCIAL IMPACT EXPLORER – Click any topic on the wheel and learn more 

Creative Economies in the Indo-Pacific and Covid-19 – 09/2020

Websites to Bookmark

Adaptistration: Drew McManus on the orchestra business -
Drew stopped posting in September 2022. However, the site is still active if you want to check out previous posts

 Americans for the Arts—Research -  

American Journal of Arts Management -  

ArtsHacker: practical tips, tricks, and pointers for getting things done as an arts manager -  

ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas -  Arts Management Network,  

Arts Professional: News and Information from the UK -   

Charity Navigator  

Colleen Dilenschneider: Know Your Own Bone - A data-informed resource for cultural executives -  

GuideStar (Guidestar and the Foundation Center Merged in 2019 and created a new organization that can be found at  

ENCATC – European Network of Cultural Management and Training Centres  Hyperallergic: Sensitive to Art and Its Discontents  

Inside the Arts: a cultural blogging exchange -  

International Journal of Arts Management Subscriptions available at

Check to see if your campus library has a subscription to this journal. 

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) –  

The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society Subscriptions available at Check to see if your campus library has a subscription to this journal.  

The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) -