Chapter 2
Museums Should Honor the Everyday Not Just the Extraordinary, Ariana Curtis, November 2018, (12:09) “Who deserves to be in a museum? For too long, the answer has been "the extraordinary" -- those aspirational history makers who inspire us with their successes. But those stories are limiting, says museum curator Ariana Curtis.”
Reflections on a Lifetime of Dance, Judith Jamison, April 2019 (16:54)
Judith Jamison and members of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
"Dance can elevate our human experience beyond words," says Judith Jamison, artistic director emerita of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. In between performances of excerpts from Alvin Ailey's classic works "Revelations" and "Cry," Jamison reflects on the enduring power of dance to transform history into art that thrills audiences around the world.
Why Theater is Essential to Democracy, Oskar Eustis, April 2018 (13:00) “Truth comes from the collision of different ideas, and theater plays an essential role in showing us that truth, says legendary artistic director Oskar Eustis. In this powerful talk, Eustis outlines his plan to reach (and listen to) people in places across the US where the theater, like many other institutions, has turned its back -- like the deindustrialized Rust Belt.”
The Benefits of Music Education, Anita Collins, October 2014, (17:33)
“In this talk, musician and educator Anita Collins makes a passionate case for music education as an indispensable part of school curricula, describing how learning to play music is the neurological equivalent of a full-body workout.”Topics Related to Arts Management
“Are there advantages in having professionally-trained musicians in administrative roles?” Adaptistration - Shop Talk, Last Call: What Orchestra Administrators Really Need -10/15/2020 (7:27)
Arts Administration as Transformative Creativity, Torrie Allen, 07/24/2018 (14:28) “If you considered yourself a creative, how differently would you approach your work life? Torrie Allen, Director of Development and & Co-Interim Director of Marketing for Oregon Shakespeare Festival challenges our preconceptions of creativity in his talk delivered at TLCC2018 in Orlando during Tessitura's Innovator Series Live at TLCC.”
Impacts of COVID-19 on BIPOC Artists and Arts Administrators Research Findin & Results (35:07) “Dr. Antonio Cuyler and Evan Linett lead a presentation on the findings from AAC's research study on the impacts of COVID-19 on Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) artists and arts administrators done in 2021.”
VIDEOS for Appendix 2.1
Classical Management Theory – 10/23/2017 (10:48)Organizational Communication Channel “Classical Management Theory, broadly speaking, is based upon Henri Fayol, Frederick Taylor, and Max Weber's overlapping management theories. These three management theories came together to form what we generally refer to nowadays as Classical Management Theory.”
Henri Fayol's Principles of Management
– 11/13/2017 (8:24)
Organizational Communication Channel
“Henri Fayol's Classical Management Theory offers 14 principles of
management, 5 functions of management, and 6 activities of industry.”
African American Management History,
Dr. Leon Prieto, 3/2/2020 (56:53)
“The most successful business leaders always have their own
compelling philosophies, but all too often the thoughts and ideologies of
high-profile African American leaders are forgotten or passed over.”
Max Weber: Bureaucracy,
10/18/2016 (9:52)
“Max Weber's bureaucracy theory made major contributions to our
understanding of organizational life. This legal-rational approach to
organizing was meant to guard against the "particularism" that Weber
saw around him. It is sometimes called bureaucratic management theory known for
its rationalization of organizations.”
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs – 12/29/2020, (15:07)
By Dr. Saul McLeod, Simply Psychology
“Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in
psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as
hierarchical levels within a pyramid.
Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before
individuals can attend to needs higher up. From the bottom of the hierarchy
upwards, the needs are: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and
Modern Organizational Theory,
01/08/2021 (4:44)
“Organizational theories are useful in explaining many aspects of
human behavior within organizations. Although they can’t encompass all the
dynamics of actual operations within large and complex enterprises, they
suggest a theoretical framework for understanding a wide range of internal
variables related to organization design, communication, coordination, and
effective leadership styles.”
Art Timelines
Dance History:
Performing Arts Timeline:
Chinese Performing Arts:
Music Timeline:
Opera Timeline:
Theatre History Timeline:—These websites have not been reviewed in detail for their historical accuracy. The listings are intended to give the reader a better understanding of similar performing and visual arts history activities.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a link to the “Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History,” is very comprehensive and worldwide in its scope:
African Cultural Policy Network -
American Academy of Arts & Sciences -
Asian Cultural Council -
Asia-Europe Foundation -
Culture Action Europe (CAE) – A Network of Networks -
European Festivals Association -
European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC) -
Arts & Culture in India -
Network of European Museums Organizations (NEMO) -
General information on compensation for someone with an MA in arts administration can be found on PayScale’s website:
US Bureau of Labor Occupational Statistics for Fundraisers:
Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners:
Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes:
Producers and Directors:
Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates NAICS 711100—Performing Arts Companies:
“An Exploratory Study of Demographic Diversity in the Arts Management Workforce” Antonio C. Cuyler, Grantmakers in the Arts, October 2015
Arts Administrators of Color Network
The Possibility Spectrum: Increasing Diversity & Inclusion in Arts Organizations, by Dr. M. Crystal Yingling - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CULTURAL MANAGEMENT & POLICY, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2020
Diversity Arts Australia - Australia’s key organisation for cultural diversity and racial equity in the arts.
UK Theatre - Diversity and Inclusion Resource Library
Scientific Management - Frederick W. Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, and Henry Gantt
Social Systems Theory by Chester Barnard
His book The Functions of the Executive is regarded as the most influential book on management during the pre-modern management era.
The Management Theory of Mary Parker Follett, by Sammi Caramela, Feb. 21, 2018
Reviving the “Forgotten History” of a Black Business School, Academy of Management, Jan. 2022.
Maslow Didn’t Create the Pyramid - The popular hierarchy of needs is incorrect and inaccurate
McGregor's XY Theory of Management by Alan Chapman, updated 09/03/2020
Systems Theory of Management – “What is the systems theory of management?” by Jason Gordon, updated July 16th, 2021
Contingency Approach To Management
What is Organizational Development? A Complete Guide, by Erik van Vulpen