Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Marketing and the Arts
A summary of the key concepts in the chapter

Advisory Board for the Arts – Case Studies
Keeping Audiences Close: How Utah Symphony Appeals to Audience Values,” December 2020 (57:33), Advisory Board for the Arts. Case study on connecting to audiences
“Building a Freemium Membership Model: Case Study on Scottish Ballet,” April 2021 (57:20), Advisory Board for the Arts
“I’ve got Digital Content – What do I do Now?” (56:35) January 2021 (56:35), Advisory Board for the Arts.
For additional webinars and information about arts marketing and development case studies link to the Advisory Board for the Arts:
Capacity Interactive - Digital Marketing Consulting for the Arts

“Marketing and the Concert Experience: 21st Century Lessons Not Just For Millennials”

November 2018 (1:01:17), Aubrey Bergauer presented at CI’s Digital Marketing Boot Camp for the Arts. “Everyone’s talking about how to attract millennial audiences, but one orchestra’s findings show that the music itself isn’t the problem, and the solutions aren’t just for millennials. These results from the California Symphony’s “Orchestra X” project on user experience went viral last year and ultimately received attention from The Wall Street Journal.” 

Ticketing Software

Event ticketing software: The 10 most important features, April 2021 (6:02)

This video covers key features that should be on your checklist when looking for ticketing software by a company called Oveit. Oveit offers a free version for events with 300 or fewer seats to sell:

Tessitura Network - “One Unified System to run your arts & culture organization.”

There is a link to a 3-minute overview of their system on the homepage: “See what Tessitura is all about.” There is also a substantial amount of information available on their website about their systems and products.

ThunderTix – “How It Works” Demo (5:13) “Harness the power of ticketing, fundraising, concessions, and loyalty with patron metrics in your own private CRM.”

NOTE: There are a substantial number of vendors selling ticketing systems. See “Ticketing Software and CRMs” in the Learning Links.

Press Releases

“How to Write a Clickworthy News Story Using the Inverted Pyramid”, April 2021 (11:21) Presented by Newswire.

“Have a really interesting piece of company news or some industry expertise you'd like to share with the online community? Writing a press release using the Inverted Pyramid and then following our guidance to distribute your story can garner excellent results and get the coverage you need to succeed.”

Marketing & PR
Americans for the Arts – National Arts Marketing Project

The Audience Agency (UK)
“Download our updated guide to creating an effective Audience Development Plan.”

Capacity Interactive – Digital Marketing Consulting for the Arts
“We partner with leading arts and cultural organizations to help them build audiences, engage community and market smarter.”

Free, Self-paced Training Resources for Small Museums
“The Museum Learning Hub began as a nationwide initiative organized by the six U.S. regional museum associations and dedicated to providing free, self-paced training resources for small museums. The inaugural series of online training and resource toolkits focused on digital media and technology topics and was made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant for Museums award MG-248568-OMS-20.”

Free Nonprofit Marketing Courses
“Learn how to communicate your cause, gain more supporters, and have a greater impact through email marketing, social media, public relations, and more.”

Arts Attendance & Participation Report UPDATES
National Endowment for the Arts - Survey of Public Participation in the Arts (SPPA) October 2023. The latest report shows attendance trends and participation over several decades in the U.S.

NEA RESEARCH BRIEF - Online Audiences for Arts Programming: A Survey of Virtual Participation Amid Covid-19, October 2023.

Public Relations for Nonprofits: Everything You Need to Know – November 2020, by Tatiana Morand

PR - How to Write and Distribute a Nonprofit Press Release

Data, resources, and insights for the arts – Review the “What We Do” tab on their website

VALS Survey
VALS, which is also known as values, attitudes and lifestyles, is one of the primary ways to perform psychographic segmentation.

Wallace Foundation – Knowledge Center
Building Audiences for the Arts
Marketing & Engagement
Making Sense of Audience Engagement – Volume 1 – by Alan Brown & Rebecca Ratzkin “A critical assessment of efforts by nonprofit arts organizations to engage audiences and visitors in deeper and more impactful arts experiences.” This link is to a 78-page report created in 2011 that is still relevant and helpful to arts marketers today. You will need to add the lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion as you read this PDF.

"Community Engagement is Not Giving Them What We Think They Want" by Doug Borwick
“Over the last decade, the arts world has entertained much discussion of ‘engagement.’ The word is used by people to mean many things. This has led to confusion, frustration, and the tendency to dismiss community engagement as a trendy distraction. In particular, the use of the word to mean audience development, audience engagement, or community engagement has muddied the waters.”
The Ethics Centre – Ethical Theories & Thought Experience
“The Ethics Centre is a not-for-profit organisation developing and delivering innovative programs, services and experiences, designed to bring ethics to the centre of personal and professional life.”

“Welcome to Ethics Unboxed”
An introductory online course into ethics for anyone and everyone. This is ethics, explained in bite-sized chunks that relate to your everyday life. (Free)
Ethics Unboxed Course

Ethics and Accountability for Nonprofits
“America’s charitable nonprofits rely on the public trust to do their work. That is why it is so important that charitable nonprofits continuously earn the public’s trust through their commitment to ethical principles, transparency, and accountability.”

7 Lessons from Marketing Ethics, Nonprofit Hub
“Every company or business organization has several ethical policies guiding advertising, pricing, competitive strategies, etc. Every party involved in a marketing deal has different expectations of how things should go, but marketing ethics guides them.”

Ethics Sage
“Known as 'The Ethics Sage' to many with a reputation as an expert in ethics, Dr. Steven Mintz is a Professor Emeritus from Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo.”

Ethical Marketing - Explore the Strategy of Ethical Marketing
"Ethical marketing is a strategy where businesses commit to open, transparent, responsible, and fair practices and communicate these values to their target market. Learn more about the ethical marketing process."

Marketing Ethics – Definition, Importance, Role and Examples
“Ethics in marketing involves the marketing practices of promoting fairness, social responsibility, empathy, and honesty by following ethical standards.”
Ticketing Software and CRMs Forty-Seven Ticketing Software Companies
Filtered using “NonProfit” and “Free Trial.”

Audience View
“From campus and sporting events to Broadway-style shows, we work with you to create a fully integrated solution that will achieve your mission and goals.”

“Museum & Nonprofit Ticketing System- Increase attendance, revenue, and insights for your nonprofit with our efficient, data-driven admission ticket sales solution.”

Patron Manager
“PatronManager was founded in 2010 as an affordable ticketing and CRM solution for arts and culture organizations. Since fundraising and subscriptions are essential to this community, we built our system entirely on Salesforce. Our integrated solution empowers organizations to manage their customer relationships, box office, fundraising efforts, and marketing campaigns all from one place.”
Home – PatronManager

Tessitura Network – “One Unified System to run your arts & culture organization”
There is a substantial amount of information available on their website about their systems and products.

Event Management Software Features – There is information about pricing and their product features available at this website.
A tool for every member of your team

“Ungerboeck’s personalized platform unites people, data, and processes across your entire event management business. Our modular software solutions are designed to be configurable to fit your specific event and venue management needs, while dramatically improving efficiency.”
Social Media
37 Social Media Ideas for Nonprofits by -by Julie Leary, 2022 at Whole Whale
37 Social Media Ideas for Nonprofits

Capacity Interactive
This link takes you to CI’s guide for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat Ad dimensions.

Eventbrite Blog - The Best Social Media Campaigns from the Cultural Sector

Instagram Tips for Arts Organisations – February 2021
Instagram Tips for Arts Organisations

Pinterest for Nonprofits: Why it works, and how to make it work for you
Pinterest for Nonprofits: Why it works, and how to make it work for you

How Arts Organisations Can Use TikTok – October 2020
How Arts Organisations Can Use TikTok

How to Start a Podcast for Your Museum
How to Start a Podcast for Your Museum

How to Use Twitter to Engage the Right Community for Your Nonprofit – March 2021

Arts Management Journals
Some of these journals require subscriptions, but articles on specific areas like marketing are often available for purchase and download. Marketing is a frequent topic in these journals.
• Arts Management Network:
• Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society:
• International Journal of Arts Management:
• American Journal of Arts Management: